Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't click the butt!

"You clicked the butt. I told you, Sasha. Dachshund peeps never follow instructions heehee!"


Kirby, CGC said...

Stopping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!


makingstuffwithlove said...

It looks like you've met Jake... He is still behaving himself when left alone tho :) He'd give a box of tissues one fun time lol

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

What a great idea for a Christmas gift. my Gianna would have a ball with that. LOL
Merry Christmas all.

laughingfridge said...

Of course we clicked the Santa butt! lol, that cartoon is so funny and soooo right!

Three Wishes Collective said...

That was so great! I'm glad I clicked the butt, lol.