Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sunday Dachshund Prayers

Every Sunday Sasha and I would like to offer one of her "Dachshund Prayers" for thought. Just a friendly reminder that every creature has a right to believe or not believe in a higher power. This post is not meant to influence any one's personal spiritual beliefs, but hopefully will inspire us humans to appreciate life in all its glory and sometimes misunderstanding.
Dear God,
If I chew this one to little bits, please, make Mommy get me another one. Cause, for some reason, she doesn't like me chewing her toys (A.K.A. speaker wire, remote control buttons, cell phone case, rubber stamps, fuzzy slippers....) up.


AngelPups said...

Very cute ;-)

Lyn said...

With that adorable face, who can resist getting you another toy to chew to pieces :) You are too cute Sasha and Pinot loves your prayer.

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Good prayer Sasha. You are very wise. Doesn't look like that toy is going to last long either.

Valerie said...

How adorable!

Art and Sew Forth said...

Keep praying, Sasha! Prayer may end up with 10 of them!