Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's Message From Your Dachshund

It has been yet another week of cabin fever for our little dachshunds.  All that pent up energy and frustration on the nasty ground hog has to come out somewhere.  Apparently, the pillows in last night's get the invisible squirrel pillow fight did not survive. 

Therefor, the little wienies are having discussions with their human mommies as we speak:  "Well, you see we need pillows that are already invisible squirrel proof.  What Mommy you don't know what invisible squirrel proof pillows look like?  Well, the pillow makers have marked these special pillows so even silly humans would know which ones are invisible squirrel proofed.  Basically, they are the ones with dachshunds on the pillows!"

As always, if you like the above item, please, click on the picture to get to the item's listing page on Etsy.


Art and Sew Forth said...

LOVE this!! So fun!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Ha ha. Very funny. Of course it has to have Doxie's on it. LOL
and I love that pillow. :-)

Cutie Pies said...

What a great idea,