Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dachshund Brain Stimulator

Sasha's Doxie Friend Frito in his Hallowiener Costume!

Unscramble the words below:

winna qin builb thub bleey itus

(Hint: the answer is a title of one of the items in BarbarasQuilts' shop on etsy.)


Art and Sew Forth said...

Got it!! And Frito!! You are a lady killer! Annie Oakley would love to have you at her side!

laughingfridge said...

Finally got it!! that was a hard one...

Frito the world's tiniest horse, lol. So adorable!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Oh, I got it. A couple of letters gave it away. ;-)
Adorable outfit Frito. Will you give squirrel rides? LOL

Garden Path Quilts said...

Okay, I give up! Ha!
Too bad you can't photo shop a squirrel perched on Frito's back! I like G&G's idea from above.

Pauline said...

Got it - very nice - love the color too!