Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night Doxie Movies!

It is time for the little long ones out there to settle in their blankies with the pupcorn. Tonight's feature presentations are brought to you by the Master Escapees out there. Dachshunds make sure you take notes. heehee.


Kirby, CGC said...

Those dudes are really smart! Our favorite one is the one that climbed the fence! Unbelievable!


makingstuffwithlove said...

Soooooooo cute and SMART! I loved these :) And I'll bet little doxies will be enjoying these videos tonight lol

Art and Sew Forth said...

Earl is the cutest name for a dog! What an escape artist! These pups are amazing. And people think that short dogs aren't superior...HA!

Unknown said...

Wow these are some smart doggies. We've always thought about teaching Daisy to open the door if theres an emergency but the knobs are way too high for her & we dont want her hurting her back.

laughingfridge said...

such smart little doggies! love them all!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

These are great. Love the escapes. That first one with the fence was the most complex, but he was persistent and he did it! Too cute.